Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Bit of a Scare Myself

I'd like to start by saying I have been very dilligent about doing my yearly exams and last year I had a false positive read, but if that wasn't the worst day of my life leading up to that point, not sure what was.  It was the most liberating feeling to be told after further tests and frequent ones, that I was good.  Then of course Tom was diagnosed and that became the worst day of my life.

Anyway, as if we don't have our fair share of cruddiness at the moment (if only it worked that way, right? "Oh, you've definitely reached your limit... let's just pass the house burning down over to the next person."). The other night I noticed a "lump" on the side of my breast (may be "tmi" for some, but this is what happened)... I may have even thought I'd noticed it before during a "shower check" but dismissed it to paranoia.  Well it was a little more obvious this time... and then I sought out a second opinion from Tom to see if I may have been over reacting.  The look on his face required no verbal verification, but of course he verified with, "See the doctor tomorrow!"

So I did.  And it wasn't paranoia, there's definitely a mass of some sort.  Estimated at approximately 1/2 cm, presumed to (hopefully) be a cyst.  Tomorrow morning I have an ultrasound on it to see what it is (apparently even at the finding of a mass, due to my age no mammogram is necessary).  If it is a cyst, it will be dealt with then and there.  If it is something more serious, nothing happens tomorrow, I follow up with the doctor again and we go for further tests.  While she seems highly convinced it's a cyst... I'm still rather frightened about the other possibilities.  So here's to hoping that tomorrow I have to get a needle in the breast to remove a cyst. The things that you cross your fingers for with age.

This year is not starting out as well as I'd hoped it would.  Tom reassures me that we'd have to be the most unlucky pair in the world if we both have cancer...again, if only things could be so certain based on equal distribution eh? Communism of luck haha! Then again, it wouldn't be "luck" if so expected/divided... Now I'm putting way too nuch thought into the philosophy of luck.  Happy Wednesday! Cross your fingers for me! Channel that "good luck"!!!

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