We moved here this time last year and in the first two months I'd successfully lost 15 lbs which was awesome... until it crept back on. Since Tom's diagnosis in July I've added an additional 25 to that. Appalling. Granted, I'd stopped kickboxing and working two jobs at the same time and suddenly began full days of next to no activity and lots of boredom eating... but that's no excuse.
Starting with calorie counting and the dog walking that I should do anyway... hopefully it might make a start toward the dent I'd like to create. Maybe, just maybe, I might find myself at the "gym" here in the apartment complex... though I imagine the three workout items are probably always utilized with everyone's "resolutions". I'd like to think I could get out and run again, but considering I was nearly 50lbs lighter the last time I did that as a regular thing... I think not.
Next on the list is I best start packing up the apartment. Lease is up in March and we will want to be moved by the time Tom's transplant is in "go" mode. While we would like to stay here (neither of us want to move to Sacramento), the 43.6 mile round trip drive is a bit much every day.
Well, there's that... my goal is to hopefully regain some confidence and be fit enough that people don't think my husband "settled". Plus, I've got so many belly stretch marks and no child to show for it... that's a bit embarrassing. Wish me luck on finding that inner thin person who I'm certain has been murdered long ago.