Moving! That's something we're sort of being pushed into doing. On the one hand nothing sounds any more dreadful than having to find a place, pack, move, unpack, do the hospital thing and all that jazz... nothing. Then on the other hand, while it certainly isn't ridiculously closer to the hospital, it is a bit and even if it isn't... at least there's more than one way home than the awful one traffic filled route we currently do... and would have to do every day. So, fresh start. Sort of suiting ... new bone marrow, new home, new year... yeah.
At first we were so resistant as we like where we are. We don't necessarily have a ton of people around us, but we've made a few very nice relationships... but I'm sure we'll keep them up. We like not having to pack (maybe that's sort of the big one?), not to mention the costs involved in moving!!!! We also had started looking around Sacramento and had a few problems:
- The area around the hospital was either way out of our budget or anti-animals
- Sacramento seems to be mostly full of places you wouldn't want to live, with a few decent places... but unfortunately we aren't the only people who would like to not get robbed or killed, so they cost a lot.
- We don't even really know where these "nice" areas are... every time we thought a place looked "nice" online, we'd go check it out and see that yes, that particular complex was nice, but meth was being sold on the opposite side of the fence... dramatized a bit, but for purpose of a good mental picture.
- We live in a 2bdrm apartment that has 1200 Sq ft!!!! We have not yet found an equivalent and have furniture to furnish the house we thought we'd be hypothetically buying... so now we might have to downsize on our collection of stuff?
- Lastly, it just felt like we were too lacking in knowledge, funds, contacts and time. I mean we were talking a few weeks possibly to transplant and it felt overwhelming
Well, the transplant coordinator told us to check a certain area (where she actually moved when she came to California) and it was like a piece of placer county hidden in Sacramento. Looks like a beautiful community! The places weren't half price of what we're paying now, but some of them were actually a bit nicer! At the end of the day, I suppose it'd be ideal to find a place in a nice neighborhood of Sacramento that's updated, safe, maybe $400 cheaper than here so life isn't a struggle down the road when disability disappears, a place that is ready to move in now so we can do it at a decent pace and be done before he goes into the hospital... yes, but unfortunately my dream world is exactly that, not real. So, finding a place that's most of those things and maybe even the same price, but we're saving on gas... winning! So we're trying for that. We have one tiny possibility of my dream world... but we're waiting on some verification on their part.
Oh and on the dog front, we got a letter from the doctor so she is now a "companion dog" which means she breaks all the barriers that once kept us from many properties as they can't utilize any kind of restriction! So stoked on that!!!! God is good!
So that's where we stand. So excited to have the transplant date in sight now! Fantastic!!! I know Tom can do this, he always exceeds their expectations and gets out much sooner than they forecast because he can set his mind on something like nobody's business! I know he will do great with this and he deserves to just be normal again.