Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy to be home

Friday Tom was allowed home, just a day off of his predicted "home for Thanksgiving".  So, he shocked the staff, as they'd predicted another week, but truth be told... he isn't feeling to cracking.  We think this chemo has really drained him, then again, being in a hospital for two and a half weeks without being able to do much  isn't going to make him able to jump into regular activity at home.  That aside, its still incredibly nice to just be home and in our own comfort zone. Not to mention our dog is thrilled to have us back!

Construction.  That's what's happening right now.  Our property management is fixing the disintegrating patios on our apartments and currently I can't even hear myself think with them demolishing the outside of my apartment. What's worse, is having a husband who doesn't feel good and at 8am having them outside our bedroom door banging on the wall and shouting at each other... though I, too, would have liked to have remained in bed... without someone able to peer through my blinds. 

On to business, brother 1 wasn't a marrow match, brother 2 is to do his test tomorrow. We haven't heard yet when Tom is supposed to have his marrow biopsy to see whether he is in remission or not.  Just been emailed by the marrow transplant coordinator and they are starting a preliminary search via the registry as well.  So, at least things are starting to move a bit. :)

Side note, the construction outside just hit the wall hard enough to unplug the computer.  Hooray, hopefully this is not what we have to look forward to every day for too long.  Can't even open the blinds, because my dog is not a fan of the action outside.

On a brighter note, literally, we got a Christmas tree! Our first Christmas tree, ever! Tom's been telling me how much he loves Christmas and said he keeps dreaming (which is something he never does, unless drug induced) about being a child and waiting up to sneak a peak of his dad putting the presents under the tree during the night. So cute! Originally, we weren't going to get a tree, because we aren't supposed to have live plants during imuno-compromised times, due to the bacteria they can carry.  But we thought it'd really lift the spirits of everyone and make the holidays as closed to "normal" as possible.

I think it came out looking pretty good.  

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